Smart Style Under $30

Bucket Blast Game

Store: Hearth Song

Price: $34.98

Bucket Blast is not a game, it's FIFTEEN rip-roaring games you can play indoors, outdoors or with water (5 of each). And all this tucks into a small nylon carry bag? Easily.

You get 6 colorful plastic buckets, 6 belts to attach buckets to players' backsides, 24 beanbags, 4 boundary-marking cones, 6 blindfolds, and an instruction book with directions for all the different action-packed games.

Players toss, run, balance, strategize, and team up for points and laughs. Our favorite is beanbag basketball, where you try to lob beanbags into everyone else's buckets, while trying to keep beanbags from landing in yours.

Winner of many awards, it's a total blast at any get-together. For ages 6-10.

Check it out at: Hearth Song

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